Turmeric ( હળદર )


Turmeric is an important pepper spice crop. In the state of Gujarat, turmeric is cultivated mainly in Valsad, Navsari, Surat, Panchmahal, Sabarkantha, Anand and Nadiad districts. In South Gujarat, mango is grown as a mixed crop and intercrop in Chiku Wadi. However, turmeric cultivation has now started in Saurashtra as well.

The weather

Turmeric is a tropical crop and is more suitable for hot and humid climates. At an altitude of 1300 m above sea level in the hilly region 20 to 40 cm. Can be successfully grown as an irrigated crop in the region with temperature and annual rainfall of 1500 to 200 mm.

Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)


Fertile fertile soils with good drainage and sufficient organic matter, loamy, medium black or river bank alluvial soils are more suitable.

Land preparation

For good growth of turmeric nodules, level the soil with a plow or tractor two to three times by plowing and plowing, to maintain the proportion of organic manure in the soil.


The improved prevalent varieties of turmeric generally grown in different states can be divided into three main groups according to the age of growth. Which are as follows.

Early maturing varieties

Suguna: Thick round lumps, 3% oil, crop ready in 150 days, 2.50 ton / ha production, 2.5% curcumin content

Sudarshan: Round lumps, 3% oil, crop ready in 150 days, 2.5 ton / ha production, 2.5% curcumin content

Medium maturing varieties

Gold: Dark orange color, 3% oil, crop ready in 210 days, 2.5 ton / ha production, 5% curcumin content

Krishna: long and round nodules, 3% oil, medium resistant to turmeric fly and leaf spot, 2 t / ha production, crop ready in 7 days, 2.5% curcumin content

Fragrance: Reddish yellow lump, oil 4.5%, 3 ton / ha production, crop ready in 210 days, 5.1% curcumin content

Roma: Oil 4.5%, 4.5 ton / ha production, crop ready in 7 days, 2.5% curcumin content

Suroma: Reddish brown bark, 2.5% oil, 2 t / ha production, crop ready in 3 days, 2.5% curcumin content

Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)

Late maturing quality

Coimbatore - 1: Large shiny orange nodule, suitable for dry and alkaline area, 4.5% oil, 2.5 ton / ha production, crop ready in 2 days, 2.5% curcumin content

B.S.R. - 1: Glossy yellow lump, suitable for waterlogged soil, 2.5% oil, 3 ton / ha production, crop ready in 3 days, 2.5% curcumin content

Based on the results of the study of different varieties conducted at Fruit Research Center, Ganadevi, the aroma of turmeric and saffron varieties are found to be promising. Accordingly farmers are recommended for planting.

Seed rate

One hectare of cultivation requires 2400 to 3000 kg of turmeric bales.

Sowing distance

30 x 15 cm Are planted at a distance.

Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)

Sowing time

Planting in May-June.

Tumor grooming

Treat the tumors with 0.5% Sarsan solution before sowing. Sometimes the buds are planted in the dung rubber to speed up the germination.


Planting is done in flat soils in loamy soils and in black soils where waterlogging occurs. Immediately after planting spray 50 to 100 kg of flax seeds per hectare. Or cover with dry leaves. So that the soil retains moisture and germination takes place quickly. And the new bud is protected from heat. After 1 month, by removing the flax and burying it in the soil, the organic matter will be added to the soil.

chemical fertilizer

30-40-50 for one hectare planting. Pho. Po. Give as follows in kilograms. Apply 50 kg phosphorus and 20 kg potash as base fertilizer at the time of planting. Giving 20 kg nitrogen in two equal installments. Apply 50 kg N 1 month after planting and the remaining 50 kg N two months after harvest. Irrigate immediately after application of manure.


If this crop is long term, water it regularly as per requirement. Watering during monsoons when rains are drawn. Considering the soil copy at intervals of 8 to 10 days in winter. During the growing season of turmeric, 35 to 40 irrigations are required in loamy soil and 20 to eight irrigations in black soil.

Weed control

Take special care against weed infestation. As sowing distance is close, care should be taken not to grow grass by weeding or shoveling. This is because if weeds are not controlled in the beginning, the yield and quality of the crop will be affected.

Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)

Crop protection diseases

Turmeric is mainly found in leaf spot and tumor rot. When this type of disease is felt, numerous spots appear on the side of the leaf bun. The number of dots at the top is higher. The color of the dots initially turns brown and then dark yellow. The leaves gradually turn yellow and dry out.

Remedies To control this disease, dissolve 3 kg 50% copper containing drug in 1000 liters of water and continue spraying at intervals of 20 to 20 days till the disease is controlled.

Tumor rot is caused by this type of kug. When the disease occurs

Due to the edges of the leaf and then more intensity, the whole leaf dries out. Part of the connection between the tumor and the trunk is softened and the tumor begins to rot. Remedies

1. Selection and planting of disease free nodules for seed.

2. To control the disease, dissolve 10 kg of copper-containing medicine in Rs. 100 liters of water and pour it around the plants in the soil.


Turmeric crop is infested with leaf-sucking and stem-eating caterpillars.
Regularly spray any one of the following to control sucking.
1. Imidacloprid drug 2.5 ml in 10 liters of water. Loss can be prevented by dissolving or spraying with melatonin 0.05% or dimethyate or 0.03% phosphomidone or 0.3% methyl demotine.
2. Spray 0.1% solution at intervals of one month between July to October for control of trunk eating larvae.

Pruning and production

When the turmeric crop is ready, the leaves of the plant start turning yellow. Crops usually planted in May-June are ready in February. Sometimes farmers send turmeric crop to the green dug market for higher prices. This results in lower yields but higher market prices, resulting in better income.
Care should be taken not to cut the knots while digging the turmeric. The knots are cleaned and collected and prepared for sale in the market. The yield of green turmeric is 20 to 20 metric tons per hectare. While the proportion of dry turmeric from green turmeric is 15 to 20%.

Collection of turmeric

For storage of turmeric 25 o x 200 x 200 cm. No pit should be dug at a high place, when moisture evaporates from it, cover the bottom and surrounding with a layer of straw, cover it with palm leaf mats, cover it with grass and straw mats and cover it with dung and soil to prevent air from entering. About 15 tons of green turmeric can be stored in this pit.

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