Chickpea (ચણા)
Chickpea is one of the most important winter pulses in Gujarat. Chickpea is cultivated in about 1.50 lakh hectares in the state and its average yield is about 5 kg. Most of the chickpeas in Gujarat are grown as non-irrigated crops based on stored monsoon moisture mainly in Bhal area under Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Surendranagar and Kheda districts and in Ghed area of Junagadh while irrigated chickpeas are cultivated in very few areas. But considering the importance of chickpea variety and its value added importance, this crop has started its cultivation in Dahod, Panchmahal, Bharuch, Navsari, Kheda and Vadodara districts and the area under cultivation has been increasing year by year.
Cultivation of chickpeas in irrigated land Loamy, sandy soils are suitable for chickpea cultivation. Harvesting monsoon crops, irrigating, plowing after sowing, preparing the land and sowing.
Recommended variety: Gujarat Chana-1
Seed treatment
One kg of seed is applied to protect against drought. Apply three grams of Carbendazim per hectare, then apply Rhizobium calyx so that the growth is good and soil fertility is maintained.
Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)
Sowing time
15th October to 7th November
Seed rate
30 to 40 kg. / Hey.
Sowing distance
30 cm between two rows.
Chemical fertilizer
20 kg as base fertilizer. Nitrogen ha. And 50 kg. Phosphorus / ha. To give. Chickpea crops do not need adequate fertilizer, as the roots of chickpeas contain Rhizobium bacteria, so the plant itself uses nitrogen in the air for its growth and development. Giving extra nitrogen increases plant growth and delays flowering and also increases costs.
Intercropping and weeding
Intercropping 1 to 2 times. Weed removal by hand. Immediately after sowing, pendimethalin (stomp) in 10 liters of water is added to 56 ml (400 to 500 ml / ha) Spray the solution. Light watering during flowering stage Irrigate only when parrots need to sit Maturity days: 110 to 115 days
1500 to 200 kg / ha
Cultivation of chickpeas in non-irrigated land
Harvest monsoon crops with high moisture storage capacity, black, medium black silt, sow immediately after plowing the soil so that moisture content is maintained and seed germination is good.
Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)
Recommended varieties
Gujarat Chana-2, Dahod Yellow, Chafa
Seed treatment
One kg of seed is applied to protect against drought. Apply three grams of Carbendazim per hectare, then apply Rhizobium calyx so that the growth is good and soil fertility is maintained.
Sowing time
October 10 to October 3
Seed rate
5 to 20 kg. / Hey.
Sowing distance
5 cm between two rows.
Chemical fertilizer
20 kg as base fertilizer. Nitrogen / ha. And 50 kg. Phosphorus / ha. To give. Chickpea crops do not need adequate fertilizer, as the roots of chickpeas contain Rhizobium bacteria, so the plant itself uses nitrogen in the air for its growth and development. Giving extra nitrogen increases plant growth and delays flowering and also increases costs.
Read in Gujarati(ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો)
Intercropping and weeding
Intercropping 1 to 2 times. Weed removal by hand. Maturation days: 90 to 100 days
1000 to 1500 kg / ha
Crop diseases and pests
Sukaro (Wilt)
To prevent the spread of this disease, use certified and pure seeds of Gujarat Chana-1 which is resistant to the disease. Apply fungicide as mentioned earlier before sowing the seeds. Crop rotation.
Before sowing the crop, apply Diwali flour at the rate of 1000 kg / ha. Apply in the soil as given. Spread the fungicide as mentioned earlier. Crop rotation. Planting only after the onset of cold.
Parrot Cory Eater (Green Caterpillar)
Arrange green pheromone traps of green caterpillars in 40 numbers per hectare and change its powder every 21 days. Arrange for the bird to sit (to digest the bird, 100 nos. Per hectare). If the green caterpillar exceeds its tolerable dose (20 caterpillars / 50 plants before flowering and 10 caterpillars / 20 plants after flowering) then endosulfan (20 ml / 10 liters) or polytrine C (15 ml / 10 liters) ) Spray any one of the drugs.
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